Hi!! Look what The Dragon Within got! I'm so excited. Public voting for my category starts April 14th to the 20th at InD'Tale magazine. At the end of the six weeks, the books with the highest number of votes will
become finalists and proceed to the professional judging round which will
determine the RONÉ Award winner of “Best Indie or Small Published book of
2013.” The awards will be presented at the gala RONÉ awards ceremony and event
July 11th at the Golden Nugget Hotel in Las Vegas, NV. in conjunction with the
huge RNConvention.
http://indtale.com/2014-rone-awards-week-six this is the link you can follow to cast your vote.
(The voting can also be found under the “Fun Stuff”
tab on the homepage of the InD’tale website.)
I will post reminders closer to the date and I hope you will take the time and vote for me!
Talk to you all soon!!!